AC Odyssey
Historical Locations

On this website u can see maps revealing the 364 historical locations that i & others have found in AC Odyssey (plus 6 more which are debatable)
To see the historical locations for each region please click on
the Orange Rectangle Buttons
BTW purple armor is better than gold because it gives more engravings. CRIT Chance while Full Health = 100% will give you a huge damage boost. Get your Melee Resistance & Range Resistance & Elemental Resistance to 90% & you'll be invulnerable to almost everything
To Ubisoft, TY for AC Odyssey

It's an owl. Please can we have a Historical Location map?
There are 4 problems with this website:
1) Discovery Tour might show ALL the historical locations + some I don't know of making this website redundant & a waste of time. I'm sorry if it is.
I can't tell because i subbed to the Uplay+ trial in Oct 2019 & when i unsubbed Discovery Tour stopped working & Ubisoft don't seem to be doing anything to fix it & they refuse to give me the standalone version of Discovery Tour as a replacement. Ubisoft Support sucks!! They lie + what little advice they gave's been useless eg "delete all your saves; that might work" & they won't let me make a complaint or speak to a manager. Their unprofessional attitude indicates a little bit that AC Vikings will suck?
2) The Assassins Creed wiki might know of historical locations not shown here. I'm trying to check this. MrB found Tomb of Epigones & then i went to the wiki & they have a page for Tomb of Epigones so clearly they might know of more historical locations than me.
3) Swissgameguides map is much nicer than mine (but it only shows 40? historical locations). It uses a thing called Leaflet. I would like to get that to happen on this page but i dunno if the Wix website-building website will let me.
4) The penis button leads to a webpage that contains useless info. I want to show something a bit more useful eg ways to make dracmae.
A lot of the historical locations i found by 100% completing the game twice (once with Kass & once with Alexios) = 1k+ hours. I then searched on Google. The following people found locations that i didn't find:
TY to Leo for finding Death Gorge (in Pephka)
TY to MrB for finding Tomb of Epigones (in Attika) & pointing out a mistake i made
TY to brilliant efforts at constructing a list of historical locations on Reddit by /u/ysaayazawa, /u/ShitfaceShakespeare, /u/Sherwoodmonster, /u/Lille90, /u/Bluecaboose1982, (+ encouragement from /u/DJPave, /u/CongaMannT, /u/nothingbeforeus & /u/yona3125) at:
TY to the creators of the excellent map at:
TY to ToKen Entertainment for helpful historical location YT videos at eg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6YPiP65xFOE