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Locations which reveal info only when HISTORICAL LOCATIONS' selected on the map, but which don't trigger the "NEW HISTORICAL  LOCATION DISCOVERED" message

AFAIK, there are 6 locations of this type.
It's debateable as to whether they're actual historical locations
You've probably got them appearing on your map already


1. Statue of Athena
IMO, Statue of Athena is a historical location since it does have a historical text that looks like any other historical location and the text appears only when historical locations are being shown on the map.

It's just a bit glitchy that's all.
it doesn't
(proof: ) They forgot or something.
It's like Perikles's house (that doesn't appear on the map but does give the message).
It's just glitched in a different way.

Statue of Athena.png
Statue of Athena.png

2. Sight of Perseus
If Statue of Athena's a historical location, then by the same logic, Sight of Perseus in Argos is a historical location too. It's just that its historical text's a bit short, that's all.

Sight of Perseus.png

3. Ancient Forge
4. Forgotten Isle
5. Labyrinth of Lost Souls
6. Petrified Temple
If you're going to count Sight of Perseus as a historical location, then you've got to also include the mythical creature locations - they too have texts that only appear whilst the historical locations are being shown. It's just that the info's non-historical & purely mythical, that's all.
Other historical locations have purely mythical info & zero historical info. It's normal

The text for Ancient Forge "Shipwrecks were always...." was originally tied to Steropes on the East side of Andros. Once defeated, it moved to the west of the Island

Ancient Forge.png
Forgotten Isle.png
Labyrinth of Lost Souls.png
Petrified Temple.png
Please say if u know of any other historical locations
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