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As far as i know (AFAiK), Korinthia contains 20 historical locations

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  1. Right-click the map

  2. Select: Open image in new tab (or View Image) (This doesn't seem to work in Microsoft Edge)

  3. Zoom in by pressing the + key whilst holding down Ctrl

AFAIK, Akrokorinth contains 2 historical locations:

  1. Spring of Peirene

  2. Temple of Aphrodite


AFAIK, Isthmus of Poseidon contains 7 historical locations:

  1. Altar of Melikertes

  2. Argo Wreckage

  3. Diolkos East Ramp

  4. Diolkos West Ramp

  5. Grave of Sisyphos

  6. Sinis Torture Grounds

  7. Temple of Poseidon

Isthmus of Poseidon.png

AFAIK, Korinth contains 8 historical locations:

  1. Dromos

  2. Fountain of Glauke

  3. Fountain of Peirene

  4. Korinth

  5. Porneion

  6. Port of Lechaion

  7. Statue of Dionysos

  8. Tomb of Medeas's Children


AFAIK, Kraneion Plains contains 2 historical locations:

  1. Port of Kechries

  2. Sea Captain Dock

Kraneion Plains.png

AFAIK, Valley of Judgment contains 1 historical location:

Cyclopean Head of Medusa

Valley of Judgment.png

(The provinces of Grove Kromyon & Valley of the Pegasos contain 0 historical locations, AFAIK)

Please say if u know of any other historical locations
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